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Extra Costs Associated With Building A New Home

Hidden Costs When Building A Home

For some people building a home is the real estate dream .

Everything is brand new, perfect, and all yours…

However, sometimes home buyers can forget about the hidden costs just around the corner when building a new home!

Here are some costs to keep in my mind when building your dream home…

Landscaping – You may just get grass laid. Any gardens , tress, water features will have to be added later
Deck / Patio / Fence – Make sure and check what is included in your agreement. You may have to budget for a fence or larger deck
Window Coverings – A big new house has a lot of windows that may need blinds or curtains
Furniture – Moving from an apartment to a house? You may need to up the furniture budget
Appliances – Again, check your contract, many builders may offer an appliance package or you will need to provide your own and perhaps pay for the installation as well
Finished Basement – If you plan on finishing it in the future make sure and budget for it

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