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Boost Your Curb Appeal

Boost Your Curb Appeal

Why Worry About It?

You only get to make one first impression. People will often drive by a home before scheduling a showing. If you make a great first impression you are going to attract more potential buyers to your home.

Curb appeal Starts On Your Listing!

The first impression a lot of buyers will have of your home is your online listing. Those online listings will almost always have a picture of the front of your house first.

Look Up!

Making sure the garden and lawn are well cared for is important but don’t forget your eaves, roof line, or siding etc. Make sure they are all clean and clear.

Numbers & Mail

Clean up your address number and mail box

Repave / Fix Bricks?

A freshly repaved driveway can make a great impression if it is looking old.  Likewise repairing slipped or sinking stones also helps

Front Deck? Varnish or Power Wash!

If you have a front deck make sure it is clean, repaired, and updated.

Don’t Be Boring

Plant some bright flowers, consider some flower pots to brighten up a plain garden. Make it attractive.

Light, Light, Light

Clean what lights you have and consider adding some solar lights to paths and gardens.

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